Friday, June 05, 2009

Summer Pool Safety

When Memorial day comes around, the Summer activities start. One major Summer activity for families in the South is playing in the water. Whether that water is a pool, a waterpark, a river or a lake, there are many safety issues for parents to take into consideration. Common sense prevails when taking your child(ren) swimming:

* First of all teaching your child how to swim DOES NOT mean your child is safe in water.

* Never leave your children alone in or near the water, even for a moment. A recent pool drowning occurred while adults were by the pool and not paying attention to the children in the pool.

* Practice "touch" supervision with children younger than 5 years in the water. This means that the adult is within an arm's length of the child at all times.

* If you have a pool or are visiting a house with a pool, there should be a fence to separate the house from the pool. Most young children who drown in pools wander out of the house and fall into the pool.

* Remove all toys from the pool after use so children aren't tempted to reach for them.

* After the children are done swimming, secure the pool so they can't get back into it.

* A power safety cover that meets the standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) may add to the protection of your children but should not be used in place of the fence between your house and the pool. Even fencing around your pool and using a power safety cover will not prevent all drownings.

* Keep rescue equipment (such as a shepherd's hook or life preserver) and a telephone by the pool. Know where those items are when you are visiting another pool or waterpark.

* Learn CPR.

* Always use approved life vests.

Again, common sense and caution are the important factors in your Summer water fun. As ER Doctors, your health and safety is very important to us. So, enjoy your Summer activities, and be safe.